This is a site I decided to make because I don't know what else to do with my life
This is what happens when you're bored
Hi there, welcome to what is essentially my author's page!
I'm not sure what I'll be posting here just yet, but I plan on showcaseing my writing, sharing some of the processes I go through during my development, sharing ideas I got that might never become full stories, and presenting my original characters since my stories are more character driven.
If you enjoy it, why not check out my Wattpad where I have posted one original story and a few other fanfictions. If you're more interested in my actual writing, then check out my Tumblr where I post snipits of my stories and talk about other things related to my writing and writing in general.
Check out some of my story inspirations~
Right when I turned nineteen, I got the urge to do something about it and came up with my mission statement of sorts. That was to have my stories not only be a place for people to escape when the world is weighing down on them, but to also be a place where you can be yourself. One of my main goals with this is to have a female main character be black and not a stereotype, but also not the exact opposite of her stereotype either. I just want her to be a normal person who has a personality not based on her skin color. Just like real life, our skin, sex, gender, or ethnicity doesn't define us.
I hope for my stories to showcase that as much as I possibly can!
Check out the story's personal pages
for some of my stories :D